Health Information Technology


健康信息技术课程为个人提供处理的知识和技能, analyze, abstract, compile, maintain, manage, and report health information.

Students will supervise departmental functions; classify, code, and index diagnoses and procedures; coordinate information for cost control, quality management, statistics, marketing, and planning; monitor governmental and non- governmental standards; facilitate research; and design system controls to monitor patient information security.

CAHIMM Logo健康信息技术课程由健康信息和信息管理教育认证委员会(CAHIIM)认证,授予健康信息技术应用副学士学位.  健康信息技术应用副学士学位课程将于2028年完成.  查询有关该计划的认证状态, 联系东伦道夫街200号的CAHIIM, Suite 5100, Chicago, IL, 60601; (312) 235-3255; [email protected].

    • 毕业率:健康信息技术项目在报告期内的毕业率为100%.
    • 报告期内毕业生一次通过率100%.
    • 就业率:毕业生在报告期内毕业一年内就业于卫生信息或相关卫生保健领域的比例为100%.
    • 在报告期内,100%的毕业生受访者对卫生信息技术项目表示高度满意.


卫生信息技术项目应用科学副学士(AAS)学位的毕业生可能有资格参加国家认证考试,成为注册卫生信息技术人员(RHIT)。. 就业机会包括医院, consulting firms, computer and software vendors, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, health insurance organizations, outpatient clinics, physicians’ offices, hospice, and mental health facilities.



det365手机版官网还提供健康信息技术 Diploma option.

该课程也可通过不伦瑞克在线获得. Click to learn more.


Course Title Credits
Fall Semester #1
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1
BIO 163 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 5
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 3
HIT 110 Introduction to Healthcare & HIM 3
MED 121 Medical Terminology I 3
MED 122 Medical Terminology II 3
Semester Total 18
Spring Semester #1
HIT 226 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology 3
HIT 112 Health Law and Ethics 3
HIT 114 Health Data System & Standards 3
MAT 152 Statistical Methods 4
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3
Semester Total 16
Summer Semester #1
Social Behavioral Science Elective 3
Semester Total 3
Fall Semester #2
HIT 218 Management Principles in HIT 3
CTS 130 Spreadsheet 3
HIT 211 Diagnosis Coding & Reporting 3
HIT 213 Inpt Proc Coding & Reporting 2
HIT 217 Quality & Data Analysis 3
HIT 124 Prof Practice Exp II 1
HIT 220 Electronic Health Records 2
Semester Total 17
Spring Semester #2
COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Com 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
HIT 214 OP Procedure Coding/Reporting 2
HIT 215 Revenue Cycle Management 2
HIT 222 Prof Practice Exp III 2
HIT 280 HIM Capstone 2
Semester Total 14

Note: See 人文/美术选修课和社会/行为科学选修课 以获得合格课程的完整列表.

Health Information Technology

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